Our Team

Who is producing this event?

Hodi Maputo Afro Swing is the dance and music company that is working hard to give you this amazing experience. With our 30 members we are here to receive you to be part of our family of about 74 artists for a week. Because this is a life time experience we choose to include our whole company to be part of the team of this exchange; for yours and our experience. They will join classes and share their expertise in dancing as well as enjoying our parties and support logistics, cooking and front and foremost be part of making this week an amazing experience for all of us.

The main organizers of this event are:

Elias Manhiça- General Director

Augusto Manhiça- Musical Composer

Eugênio Macuvel – Artistic Director

Bernicia Cotela- General Coordinator

Erzenia Tamele – Accommodation

Manuel Manhica- General coordinator of Children’s  Program